Crataegus spp. -- Hawthorn

Native and non-native

Crataegus chrysocarpa (Fireberry Hawthorn, native) [1]
Crataegus crus-galli (Cockspur Hawthorn, native) [1]
Crataegus douglasii (Black Hawthorn, native) [1]
Crataegus phaenopyrum (Washington Hawthorn, native) [1]
 Crataegus phaenopyrum (Washington Hawthorn) [4]
[1] Genus

Small to large trees superficially similar to crabapples (Malus) except most with long thorns. Many species are in cultivation of both native and non-native species and their cultivars. They also hybridize readily. See the species accounts at Michigan Flora online for more information on distribution of the species recorded naturalized in the state.

Small-fruited types are most often used by birds, although even the smaller fruits are only suitable to thrush- or robin-sized species. C. phaenopyrum (Washington Hawthorn) is native hawthorns south of Michigan but naturalized here. It is one of the last hawthorns to bloom/fruit and has some of the smallest fruit, eagerly consumed by birds.

Seeds of many species are similar and often cannot be identified to species.

Seeds present in fecal samples in birds at the Rouge River Bird Observatory, Dearborn, MI.


* Listed as invasive in natural areas by the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States.

(Numbers in photo captions are photo credits, listed in the "Photo Credits" tab at the top of the page)